514 312-4574

Privacy Policy


With the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to draw attention to privacy protection. Therefore, we commit to respect private information confidentiality that we collect.

We collect personnal informations

  • First Name
  • Address
  • Postal Code
  • Email address
  • Phone number / fax number
Personal information that we process are collected through forms and thanks to connectivity between our website and yourself. We also use cookies and log files to collect data from you.

Forms and Interactivity:

Your personal information is collected through forms, which are:

  • Website registering form

Thus, we use collected data for:

  • Information / promotional campaigns
  • Statistics
  • Contact

Your information is also collected through interactivity between yourself and our website, in those ways:

  • Comments
  • Contact

We use those collected data for the following purposes:

  • Information / promotional campaigns
  • Statistics
  • Contact

Right of opposition and withdrawal

We commit to offer a right to opposition and withdrawal concerning your personal information.

Right of opposition is defined as the possibility for users to refuse private data collection for mentioned purposes.

Right of withdrawal is defined as the possibility for users to ask for private information removal from a mailing list for instance.

To exercise those right, you can reach us:

Postal Address :  2516, Boulevard le Corbusier, Laval (Quebec) H7S 2K3

Email:  info@infovirtuel.ca

Phone:  514 312-4574

Website :   Contact

Acces Right

We commit to acknowledge an access right and a rectification right for concerned people, who are willing to consult, edit or delete their own information.

This right will be exercised at:

Postal Address :  2516, Boulevard le Corbusier Laval (Quebec) H7S 2K3

Email:  info@infovirtuel.ca

Phone:  514 312-4574

Website :   Contact


Collected personal information are stored in a secured environment. People working for us are required to respect information confidentiality.

To insure your private information safety, we resort to use the following methods:

  • SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • SET Protocole (Secure Electronic Transaction)
  • Access management – authorized person
  • Access management – concerned person
  • Network Monitoring Software
  • Computer back-up
  • ID / password
  • Firewalls
We commit to maintain a high level of confidentiality by integrating latest technological innovations that enable us to insure your transactions confidentiality However, as no mechanism offer maximum security, risk is always at stake when giving personal information on the Internet.

President Frédéric Visinand is the person in charge of information security and the protection of personal data.
Postal Address : 2516, Boulevard le Corbusier, Laval (Quebec) H7S 2K3
Email: fred@infovirtuel.ca
Phone: 514 312-4574


We are committed to respecting the legislative provisions set out in:

Legislation: Québec